22 Instances Where People Took Posing With Sculptures To The Next Degree
These sculptures have grown into an art that can be quite interesting, most of which are found in tourist destinations to make such places fascinating and fun-filled. Some of these sculptures look so bizarre or funny that they invite the most hilarious reactions in the visitors’ expressions. Have you ever seen a quirky sculpture and immediately thought about how you would pose just right with it? If so, perhaps you already know how to pull it off in the art of sculpture posing!
And if you think that standing near a sculpture and taking a regular photo is just fine, then you are wrong. The photo will be ordinary with a basic pose, but once you work in the sculpture into a creative pose, it’s art! Below, we have gathered some brilliant photos of people who have taken sculpture posing to the next level.
These guys have added humor, beauty, and a touch of creativity to their postures, making the sculptures much more interesting. We hope you like these pictures and get inspired to try your own special poses next time you happen to see a sculpture. Let’s find out which one is your favorite!
#1 Kiss Him Like This!

#2 Is That a Sculpture or a Real Person?

#3 True Laughter Knows No Limits!

#4 Is she that yummy?

#5 This is how I drag my kid to school when he doesn’t want to go!

#6 Hammer That Worm!

#7 What You Did Wasn’t So Funny, Dude!

#8 Is this a human painted green?

#9 Being a public figure means you gotta shave regularly!

#10 Oh my gosh! What does he hold in his hand?

#11 That historic moment when you snap a selfie with him!

#12 21st Century Tricks in Full Display

#13 How Did This Guy Even Get in There?

#14 This Is How We Post Things on Facebook Nowadays!

#15 Guys, Please Don’t Kill Him!

#16 Aww! How Sweet Is This Kiss?

#17 Please, Babe, I Wasn’t Chatting with Her!

#18 Well, That Pose Isn’t Exactly ‘Nice.’

#19 I Don’t Think They’d Be Thrilled with This Pose!

#20 Let Me Keep This Little One!

#21 What Could He Possibly Be Telling Her?

#22 This Is How Many Things Work in Today’s World!