A Wildlife Photographer Is Obsessed With The Cutest Meerkat Family

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Nick Kleer, a celebrated wildlife photographer and conservationist from South Africa, has captured many breathtaking images of majestic animals throughout his illustrious career. However, his most recent viral video highlights his unique relationship with a group of delightful and humorous meerkats.

Image Credit : Nick Kleer

Image Credit : Nick Kleer

Image Credit : Nick Kleer

The amusing video showcases Kleer lying on the ground with his camera while a meerkat perches atop his head. As the video progresses, a large group of fluffy creatures eventually surround the stealthy photographer, appearing completely at ease and engaging with him as if he were part of the natural landscape. The meerkats even use him as a high ground to better view their surroundings, proving they were not put off by his presence in their natural habitat.

Image Credit : Nick Kleer

Image Credit : Nick Kleer

Kleer has already had numerous interactions with the indigenous South African meerkats, building a friendly relationship with them over time. In a recent Instagram post, he shared that he has gotten “quite close to these incredible little creatures” and called them “the cutest creatures on the planet.”

Image Credit : Nick Kleer

Image Credit : Nick Kleer

Through Kleer’s candid videos of the meerkats playing, napping, and exploring, he has demonstrated their undeniable charm and adorableness to the internet. His work is a true privilege to witness, and it is clear that his passion for wildlife conservation has led to many unforgettable experiences with these remarkable creatures.

Image Credit : Nick Kleer

Kleer’s viral video of his interaction with a meerkat family has captivated the internet and showcased his special bond with these delightful creatures. Unsurprisingly, he has deemed them “the cutest creatures on the planet.” We cannot wait to see more of his extraordinary work with the meerkats and other wildlife.


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