I took pictures of this abandoned home in New York, and what I discovered inside shocked me
|This mansion in upstate New York was utterly deserted before it was put on the market. A whole taxidermy tiger rug, antique art, furniture, medical supplies, even (gasp) shotguns! Those were only a few of the numerous priceless objects that were scattered across the entire house.
You may now own this incredible 3,000-square-foot home (contents included) on a magnificent 7-acre parcel of land for only $92,000. View the photos from my explorations below.
More info: Instagram
#1 A upstairs bedroom

#2 Upstairs is a child’s bedroom

#3 The house’s exterior

#4 Rug with a taxidermied tiger and a shotgun in the den

According to Sansivero, he visited this abandoned house in upstate New York with a buddy and took pictures of it before daybreak.
The photographer claimed that the chamber was completely dark when they arrived, but as the sun rose and light entered, they began to notice the room’s details, such as a tiger rug, several antique guns, and an animal head mounted on the wall.
#5 The ground level of the house

In 2021, Sansivero released the first version of his book, “American Decay: Inside America’s Forgotten Homes” which he had long wanted to write.
#6 Antique table and painting

#7 Harp, medical library, vintage photos, and a zebra rug

#8 Painting, antique furniture, and a shotgun

#9 Old medical equipment and supplies for doctors

#10 Old medical equipment and drugs

#11 Upstairs TV