I Took Underwater Pictures Of The Lake Baikal Seals (16 Images): Below The Ice

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Lake Baikal, located in Russia, is a remarkable natural wonder that boasts an impressive array of superlatives. It holds the esteemed titles of being the world’s deepest lake, the largest freshwater lake, and one of the clearest lakes on the planet. Moreover, its ancient origins contribute to its uniqueness, making it a truly captivating destination for nature enthusiasts.

In my quest to explore the enchanting beauty of Lake Baikal, my primary objective was to photograph the elusive Baikal seals, also known as nerpa. These seals are indigenous to the region and inhabit the lake’s pristine waters. I was determined to capture their essence in their natural environment, showcasing the world the extraordinary splendor of this place and its remarkable inhabitants.





Three years ago, in the month of November, I embarked on my initial attempt to photograph the Baikal seals. However, the freezing temperatures and the lake’s impending ice formation posed significant challenges. Nerpas, being notoriously shy creatures, proved elusive as they swiftly disappeared from sight. Undeterred by this setback, I refused to give up on my pursuit.

Determined to fulfill my ambition, I returned to Lake Baikal in April of the following year. This time, I was greeted by the awakening of Siberian spring, as the snow melted away and the sun’s radiant beams illuminated the landscape. Although remnants of winter still clung to the surface of the lake in the form of an unbroken ice sheet, the promise of new opportunities beckoned me forward.






While Baikal seals, in general, are known for their shyness, the young ones possess an endearing and outgoing nature. During the month of March, nerpa females give birth to adorable seal pups within snow-covered burrows on the ice. These newborns, adorned in pristine white fur, are not yet capable of swimming. Approaching them without causing harm is a delicate task. Over the course of a few weeks, their fur gradually transforms into a striking shade of grey, signaling their readiness to explore the captivating depths below the icy surface.

Navigating the vast icy desert in search of the seals’ burrows presented a daunting challenge. To increase our chances of success, we enlisted the aid of Pulka, a seasoned local dog trained to locate the burrows. With Pulka leading the way, our strategy involved identifying the burrows, diving into the depths, and patiently awaiting the appearance of the seals.



Seeking Baikal seals beneath the thick ice proved to be an extraordinary yet demanding endeavor. We initially dove alongside a colossal crack that stretched through the heart of the lake. These cracks, formed due to temperature fluctuations, can extend for several miles and continuously change shape and size. Navigating this treacherous terrain requires utmost vigilance, especially for those traversing the lake’s frozen expanse. Once submerged, the cracks revealed a stunning spectacle of immense ice blocks layered upon each other, creating awe-inspiring caverns and passages. In this underwater world, one’s thoughts are consumed by the unfathomable depth below and the impenetrable ceiling of thick ice overhead. A lifeline to the surface lies in the form of a small hole located a hundred meters away, offering a precious window to the world above.

Another mesmerizing experience is venturing beneath the captivating “ice cloud.” Formed during the onset of winter, this phenomenon occurs when powerful winds propel vast ice floes across the water. The ever-changing interplay of light and colors within this icy realm conjures an illusion of being immersed in a fairy tale sky. However, the cold reality of the environment serves as a stark reminder of the true nature of this captivating fairy tale.




After numerous dives and Pulka’s unwavering dedication, the moment we had been longing for finally arrived. As I slowly approached the seal burrow from below, a flicker of movement caught my eye, followed by the emergence of a curious seal pup. The pup’s surprise at encountering an unfamiliar figure, weighed down with photography equipment, was palpable. Perhaps this curiosity explains why it circled around me for approximately 15 minutes, maintaining a cautious distance while attempting to gain a better understanding of its peculiar visitor.

During these precious moments, the mother seal resurfaced intermittently to nurture her pup and ensure the ice hole remained open. However, both the seals and I were aware of the approaching arrival of April, signaling the imminent melting of the ice. This anticipated transition would herald their freedom to roam the vast expanse of Lake Baikal, fondly referred to as the “Glorious Sea” by locals.



My journey to photograph the Baikal seals in their natural habitat was a testament to endurance, persistence, and an unyielding passion for the pristine beauty of Lake Baikal. Overcoming freezing temperatures, treacherous cracks, and the challenges of locating hidden burrows beneath the ice, I was able to capture a glimpse of the extraordinary world that exists below the surface. Through my lens, I aim to share the wonders of Lake Baikal and its enchanting inhabitants with the world, allowing others to appreciate the sheer magnificence of this awe-inspiring natural treasure.


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