It’s touching when a husband constructs a special bicycle so that he may ride with his wife, who has Alzheimer’s disease

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Love is often described in countless ways: eternal, liberating, and the ultimate solution to life’s challenges. While some dismiss these notions as clichés, some have witnessed firsthand the power of love and its ability to defy all odds. Today, we bring you a heartwarming tale that lends credibility to the belief that love can make anything possible, even when it seems like a fairy tale.

Image credits: The Bike Chair

Bill and Glad Forward are a wonderful couple whose enduring love has stood the test of time for over 50 years. They have faced numerous trials throughout their journey together, including a devastating turn of events in 2004. It was during this year that Glad’s health took a sharp decline, and she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

Image credits: The Bike Chair

Bill and Glad had always shared a passion for outdoor activities, particularly cycling. Cycling had become integral to their lives, symbolizing their love and companionship. However, with Glad’s mobility significantly compromised due to her condition, their cherished outdoor adventures appeared to have ended.

Image credits: The Bike Chair

Bill, a man deeply devoted to his wife, refused to accept defeat. He solemnly vowed to do everything within his power to bring joy to Glad’s life. During this challenging period, Bill conceived a groundbreaking idea—an innovative bicycle that could cater to the needs of individuals with limited mobility.

Image credits: Why God?

And so, the “bike chair” concept was born, cleverly merging the worlds of bicycles and wheelchairs. Drawing inspiration from his years spent overseas, where he witnessed remarkable inventiveness, Bill collaborated with his friend Ken McKenzie to bring his vision to life.

Image credits: Why God?

The outcome was a uniquely designed bike chair, captured in the image below: a vintage-style baby-blue bicycle, modified with one wheel at the back and two wheels at the front. The setup included a comfortable chair with a seat belt and leg rests between the wheels.

Image credits: Why God?

Glad’s mobility had suffered greatly, but Bill’s ingenious solution offered a lifeline to their shared love for biking. Reflecting on their early days together, Bill reminisced, “I used to ride my bike about a mile from where I lived to where she was when we first started dating, and that was around 5 kilometers, on a Saturday afternoon because that was the only chance we had to get together.” His dedication to their relationship knew no bounds.

Image credits: Why God?

A touching video produced by CVCNow showcased the daily challenges faced by Bill and Glad as they grappled with the effects of Alzheimer’s. Despite the setback, Bill remained steadfast in his commitment, caring for Glad from when she woke up until she went to bed. He considered it an immense honor to reciprocate the love and care she had given him throughout the years. He says, “I view caring for this person I have loved for years as a great privilege rather than any responsibility. I wouldn’t have it any other way since she is my princess, and I am her William.

Image credits: Why God?

Bill further explained, “Glad and I used to carry our infants around on our bikes by attaching a bay chair to Glad’s bike, which we used to take everywhere we went. Our lives have included a motorcycle, so it has something to do with things right now.

Image credits: Why God?

Inspired by Bill and Glad’s extraordinary story, the Bike Chair Team was established. With a strong online presence and over 27,000 Facebook followers, their mission is to develop a safe and sturdy version of the Bike Chair, catering to individuals facing mobility challenges.

The tale of Bill and Glad Forward reminds us of the limitless potential of love. It prompts us to ponder whether we would embrace the opportunity to embark on bike rides with our loved ones using this remarkable invention. Please leave your opinions in the space provided below. Let us know if you would seize this chance to pedal through life’s adventures with the ones who hold a special place in your heart.

Via :[boredpanda]


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