Two Rare White Orcas Spotted Swimming Together in Japan

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In an incredible sighting, two rare white orcas were recently spotted swimming side by side off the coast of Rausu in Hokkaido, Japan. These magnificent creatures were spotted by whale watchers on tour and were identified as having leucism, which is a condition that causes a partial loss of pigmentation, unlike albinism.

The orcas were seen as part of the same pod between the Japanese islands of Hokkaido and Kunashir. The younger of the two whales had noticeable scratch marks running down its back, and it was recently discovered. The older orca had significantly darker skin than its companion and had been seen for the first time about two years prior. Mai, a worker with the Gojiraiwa-Kanko tour company, described it as the “best day ever” and mentioned that it was the first time two white orcas had been seen off the coast of Japan.

Despite being a rare and unique sight, white orcas and whales are becoming more prevalent than ever before. Scientists believe that the genetic diversity of a species decreases as its population shrinks, which could lead to uncommon genetic conditions that threaten the species’ survival.

Leucism may increase an orca’s visibility and susceptibility to predators, while it is unclear how it affects orcas who inherit it. This could hinder their ability to hunt and raise the possibility of drawing unwelcome attention from rivals.

For those who saw it, seeing two white orcas off the coast of Japan was a rare and fantastic event. Leucism is a rare genetic trait, yet it could endanger the existence of these beautiful creatures. The diversity of all species must be preserved and protected as we further explore and learn about the natural world to ensure their survival.


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