Woman Sues Taxi Company After Driver Refuses to Pick Her Up

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A woman in the U.S. is suing Lyft after one of the drivers refused to give her a ride, claiming she was “too big” to fit inside his car.

Image credits: dankdemoss

The incident was shared on social media by rapper Dajua Blanding, alias Dank Demoss. In the clip, the driver tells the 36-year-old woman that his car is too small for her.

“I don’t have enough space, my car is small,” he says. Blanding, surprised, responds with “I can fit in this car.”

The driver insists, “No, believe me, you can’t. I’m sorry.”

Image credits: dankdemoss

Blanding then asks what will happen to the money she paid for the ride. He told her that he would cancel the trip so she could get a refund. After asking if he was refusing to drive her because of her size, he confirms, “Yeah, you need to order a bigger car.”

In the weird excuse, he also says his car’s tires are “very tired,” which has Blanding even more baffled. “What does that have to do with me?” she asks.

Image credits: dankdemoss

Outraged by the experience, Blanding posted the video online, calling out Lyft for allowing discrimination against plus-size passengers; later on, she decided to sue the company and has hired two lawyers.

Michigan is the only state in the U.S. where weight discrimination is explicitly prohibited by law. One of the attorneys handling the case, Jonathan Marko, emphasized the significance of this legal protection, stating, “Denying service based on a person’s weight is no different from refusing them due to their race or religion. It is discrimination, and it is unlawful.”

Image credits: dankdemoss

In response to the case, Lyft issued a statement reaffirming its stance against discrimination. “We believe everyone should be treated with respect,” the company stated, emphasizing its commitment to inclusivity.

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