29 Powerful Illustrations Exposing Flaws in Today’s Society
|We all know there are countless issues in today’s society. While we notice these problems, we often don’t act quickly to address and fix them.
Enter Al Margen, an incredibly talented illustrator from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He’s created a series of illustrations that perfectly capture and critique the faults of modern society. These images are not only visually stunning but also carry deep and meaningful messages.
Margen himself has a unique perspective on his work. He describes it like this:
They emerge from boredom, nonconformity, or anger, embodying abandoned ideas and the subconscious’s refuse. Yet, these drawings are more visceral and sincere than others, free from the obligation to please. They arise purely from impulse, existing to provoke, and reveal imperfection.
Take a look below at some of his most thought-provoking and satirical works.



























