Abandoned Khrenov Manor in Zaklyuchye, the architect
|The region of Tver is home to Zaklyuchye Manor. If you take the M-10 motorway from Moscow to St. Petersburg and turn left at Borovichi before coming to the city of Valdai and Lake Valdai, you can get there. Lykoshino station is a little more than 50 kilometers away. This “castle” sits nearby, tucked up in the trees, by a lake in the forest.
In the late 19th century, the estate first appeared. It was constructed for Alexander Sergeyevich Khrenov, an architect and artist from St. Petersburg. At that period, many writers, architects, and painters attempted to vanish into nature. By Dmitriy Gazin, the photographer.

The manor was probably constructed under his own initiative. This oddball group sticks out among the adjacent structures and resembles a castle from the Middle Ages.
The building’s primary characteristic is its complete asymmetry. Additionally, the construction used enormous stones rather than just regular bricks, which strengthened the Middle Ages’ entourage and gave the building a quirky silhouette.

This “medieval castle”served as both a summer camp and a sanatorium after the owner relocated to China. The attractive setting is now heavily forested, with flowerbeds transformed into a jungle. There are only 12 individuals living in the surrounding community.

However, the house draws visitors who are curious about exceptional locations close to the highway connecting St. Petersburg and Moscow and don’t mind for a while becoming a hero of a medieval legend. Map of Zaklyuchye on Google.
















What is the world’s largest abandoned mansion?
Pennsylvania’s Lynnewood Hall. A neo-classical revival marvel constructed in Elkins Park between 1897 and 1900 for Peter Anel Browne Widener, a man regarded as one of America’s wealthiest individuals and a prolific art collector, was once one of the best real estate specimens but is now decaying and abandoned.
Why do abandon homes exist in Europe?
As economic recessions push more people into big cities and more childless owners pass away without passing on their property, mansions, palaces, hotels, and entire villages have been abandoned throughout Europe.
Why are so many mansions in France abandoned?
French inheritance rules divide an estate among the heirs, and a family dispute between them precludes any early resolution, which is in fact one of the reasons why there are so many empty mansions in France. It could also be challenging or impossible to track down one or more owners.
Where is the home of the Titanic’s owners?
This turn-of-the-century estate in Philadelphia, known as Lynnewood Hall, was constructed between1897 and 1900 for US tycoon, prolific art collector, and Titanic investor Peter Arrell Browne Widener.
What is the cost of the deserted Titanic mansion?
The two-plot property is appraised at $2.56 million, according to property records, and rehabilitation expenditures are projected at $40 million, according to Media Drum. It was advertised for sale asking$20 million in 2019 and most recently was listed for $11 million, which is still expensive.
Why do mansions become deserted?
Homes are abandoned because of a loss of employment, an increase in crime, or hazardous environmental conditions like radiation or tainted water. We go into more depth about this occurrence below. In some homes I’ve seen, everything was just left unattended for years.
Why is Canada home to so many abandoned mansions?
According to the research, “the country’s housing problem goes beyond international buyers driving up prices and affordability taking over key cities” “Short-term rentals and investor speculation are the main causes of the high vacancy rates in locations like Toronto and Vancouver”