Cancer in 99-Year-Old Everyone Survivor meets is won over by how she dances

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When you envision Pitbull’s biggest fan, a 99-year-old cancer survivor like Margaret Masters may not immediately come to mind. However, Margaret’s love for Pitbull’s music and unstoppable spirit make her a great fan. Margaret’s remarkable journey began during her Silver Sneakers Zumba class in the vibrant city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Despite her age, she joined the class nearly a decade ago at the young age of 90. Since then, Margaret has gracefully danced through cancer, a global pandemic, and any other challenge life has thrown her.


Although Margaret has always enjoyed dancing, she recently returned to the activity to stay active and vibrant in her golden years. It was during her first Zumba class, led by the talented instructor Deana Lejarza, that Margaret’s passion for dance was reignited. Reflecting on her experience, Margaret shares, “When I first started doing Zumba, I was 90 years old. I wanted to exercise and dance. Dancing is the most exhilarating fun you can have. It maintains your body functioning and keeps you moving. Clearly, it has worked for me, as I can still dance at my age when many others cannot. I wish everybody could experience the joy of dance.”


Deana, Margaret’s Zumba instructor, was astonished upon discovering Margaret’s age. Over time, Deana realized that age is just a number for this remarkable individual. Margaret remained dedicated to attending classes, even when they transitioned to remote sessions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the challenging period, Margaret never missed a beat and continued participating in yoga, stability, and dance classes via Zoom. Her infectious energy radiated through the screen, inspiring everyone involved.

Deana fondly refers to Margaret as the “Dancing Queen” due to her undeniable presence and enthusiasm in Zumba classes, whether in person or through virtual platforms. Deana acknowledges Margaret’s significant impact on the entire group: “She’s a great motivation for all of us. We know it’s time to dance when Margaret walks into the Zumba class or joins the Zoom session. Her unwavering commitment encourages us all, so if you ever feel unmotivated to exercise, you know Margaret will be there, leaving no room for excuses.”


In 1996, Margaret was diagnosed with devastating breast cancer and underwent surgery and treatments. Even during her battle with the disease, Margaret found solace in dance and connected with her doctor through their shared love for various types of music. Fondly, she recalls, “He and I talked more about music than we did about breast cancer.”

Margaret is now enjoying her golden years with a caring group of friends she met through Zumba. She wishes to encourage people to adopt an active lifestyle by sharing her experience. Keep smiling, dancing, and moving, and the whole world will smile with you, is Margaret’s wise counsel for achieving her astounding age of 99.


Margaret’s indomitable spirit serves as a poignant reminder that staying active, making new friends, discovering new music, and dancing like no one is watching are vital components of a fulfilling life, regardless of age. Her journey encourages everyone to spread the word and inspire others to lead active and joyful lives.


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