For her twins’ birthday photo shoots, Mom designs magical scenes

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Part-time photographer Rachel Perman has elevated the practice of themed photo shoots to a whole new level. She chose to plan enjoyable and enchanted photo shoots for her children’s birthdays this year.

Rachel Perman Photography

Rachel Perman Photography

Rachel Perman went all out to make the picture shoots extra special for her twins’ birthdays. Elijah, her kid, decided to do a photoshoot with the theme of “Up,” one of his favorite movies. The boy scouts from the film Russel comprised Rachel Perman’s son, who included his 90-year-old great-grandparents, Carl and Ellie. The final images were magnificent and completely captured the film’s spirit.

Rachel Perman Photography

Rachel Perman Photography

Elijah’s twin sister Emilee chose to have a unicorn/princess photo shoot. Once more, Rachel Perman worked magic to produce a stunning and enchanted photo shoot that wonderfully showed Emilee’s creativity and spirit.

Rachel Perman Photography

Rachel Perman Photography

Rachel Perman Photography

With her uncanny ability to catch the ideal moments in time, Rachel Perman’s devotion to documenting her children’s birthdays is admirable. For her children and everyone else who sees them, her imaginative and wonderful photo shoots are sure to leave enduring memories.

Rachel Perman Photography

Rachel Perman Photography

Because of her affection for her kids and her passion for photography, Rachel Perman produced spectacular picture sessions for the twins’ birthdays. Her talent and imagination have resulted in beautiful, charming photographs that will be forever treasured.


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