18 Hauntingly Beautiful Abandoned Houses
|Warning: This section contains some frightening material. But you’ve come to the correct place if you’re interested in learning more about the histories of some of the most stunning abandoned homes in the world.
What exactly is it that is so alluring about deteriorating structures—oftentimes some of the most expensive homes ever—that formerly belonged to some of the richest individuals in the world? We’ll confess there’s a little bit of schadenfreude in the learning of their downfall, but we think there may be more at play. Perhaps these ruins, which are reminiscent of the fantastic Gothic Revival phantasmagoria ruins preferred by 18th-century landscape architects like William Kent and Batty Langley, are a physical manifestation of the delicate balance of endurance and mortality that we all face as humans
These 10 deserted homes—ranging from abandoned Gilded Age palaces in America to decaying monuments to dictatorial generosity around the world—are eerily fascinating, even if you’re only drawn to them for their macabre histories. You have been forewarned.


















Why do people adore deserted locations?
Each one is unique; they all enjoy discovering the unexpected in locations that have been long abandoned by people. You never quite know what you’ll uncover, from ancient newspapers from the1930s to trees sprouting out of bookcases. Many people who enjoy visiting these locations do so only out of curiosity.
Is entering abandoned buildings against the law?
Since the land is almost always still privately held, entering an “abandoned” building is typically still against the law. Trespassing is the illegal entry into someone else’s property, and it’s typically a civil offense.
Why are abandoned structures so frightening?
Because there is a sense of uncertainty, abandoned buildings are unsettling. Although there isn’t any imminent danger within a deserted location, your mind is continually suggesting that there might be. A dread of the unknown exists.
Why do locations get deserted?
Natural calamities like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding frequently require people to leave the places where they live and work. Additionally, there are instances where people leave for their own safety and never come back.
Why are some homes empty and everything still there?
Homes are abandoned because of a loss of employment, an increase in crime, or hazardous environmental conditions like radiation or tainted water. We go into more depth about this occurrence below. In some homes I’ve seen, everything was just left unattended for years.