“Heartbreaking Yet Beautiful: The Last Photos of the ‘Elephant Queen’ Before Her Demise”
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Unquestionably among the most stunning animals on Earth are elephants. These gentle giants, who typically weigh 6000kg (13,227 pounds) and tower around 3 meters (9 foot 10764 inches) tall, are renowned for their compassion and close-knit families. Elephant poaching, however, has resulted from the desire for ivory in the Far East and has reduced the population of elephants.

In 2011, research conducted by Maisels et al. estimated that the world’s forest elephant population had reduced by 62%. Various countries and organizations are putting enormous efforts into elephant conservation to prevent this. Kenya Wildlife Service and Tsavo Trust are just two of many organizations with the mission to conserve and manage wildlife in the region.

Recently, these two organizations collaborated with a British photographer, Will Burrard-Lucas, to capture the beauty of the elephants and the natural environment in Tsavo. Burrard-Lucas shared the story of his journey on his blog, detailing the efforts made in elephant conservation. However, the key subject of his photographs, a cow elephant with two enormous tusks, truly stood out from the crowd of other elephants.

The elephant was none other than F_MU1, one of just a few known as a tusker or super-tusker. This type of elephant has genetic properties that grant it a great size and large tusks, making them rare and highly valued by poachers. Burrard-Lucas described F_MU1 as the queen of elephants, and it’s not hard to see why.

F_MU1 was old and skinny when the photographer first saw her, but she moved forward with dignified grace. Her long tusks scraped the Earth in front of her. She seemed a remnant of a bygone age. F_MU1 survived for over 60 years, lived peacefully, and avoided damage. She had a calm and compassionate disposition. Burrard-Lucas said she would occasionally approach me so closely that I felt like I could have touched her.

Burrard-Lucas’s photographs demonstrate how majestic and regal the ancient tusker appeared and celebrate her long life and gentle death, which is a tribute to the wonder of life that all conservation efforts seek to preserve. Along with other images of Tsavo’s famous tuskers, Will’s latest book, “Land of Giants,” includes photographs taken by F_MU1.

Tragically, the Elephant Queen died just a few weeks after Burrard-Lucas took her final pictures of her. The animals struggled to live, especially the young and old, due to the prolonged drought. Food was in short supply, which most likely played a significant role in her demise. Nevertheless, F_MU1’s story continues to be told, and the preservation efforts made to safeguard these gentle giants will be motivated by her legacy.

The story of the Elephant Queen is one of strength, grace, and perseverance. Her last photos are a reminder of the beauty and fragility of life and a call to action for conservation efforts to protect these magnificent creatures. We must all come together to stop the illegal poaching of elephants for their tusks, which threatens to decimate their population. By sharing stories like F_MU1’s, we can inspire people to take action and help save these majestic animals.

Burrard-Lucas recorded a video of the day, which you can see below.