She had died clinically for 11 minutes and shared her incredible experience of what she saw during this time. She said that during this time, she went to heaven

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It had been a regular cardiology check-up for Charlotte Holmes in September 2019 when her blood pressure shot dangerously to 234/134. Doctors explained to her that she could be having a stroke or heart attack. The next thing that happened-soon-she was whisked away to a hospital where medical personnel were trying to get her into a stable condition, while her husband Danny was in a state of anxiety witnessing the scene.

YouTube/The 700 Club

Remembering that instant, Danny related to The 700 Club: “They called this code and everybody ran in. I didn’t know if I would ever take her back home again.”

As she deteriorated, Charlotte started to describe things that she was seeing – flowers, for example. But as Danny scanned the room and realized there were no flowers anywhere, he knew something more remarkable was happening. “That’s when I knew she wasn’t in this world,” he said. In that instant, Charlotte’s heart had stopped, and for 11 minutes, she was clinically dead.

While doctors were working to revive her-which included the use of a defibrillator to shock her heart back into rhythm-Charlotte said she could see everything that was happening from above, looking down on her own body. “I smelled the most beautiful flowers and heard music,” she related. “When I opened my eyes, I knew I was in heaven.”

Charlotte of Wichita, Kansas talked of a place where everything was very beautiful, and everything danced to the rhythm of music. “Heaven is more than anything anyone can possibly imagine,” she said. A group of angels took her then further into the afterlife.

YouTube/The 700 Club

“There was no fear, just pure joy,” she said. Charlotte said she saw her family members including her mother, father and sister along with saints of old. “They didn’t look old or sick. They all appeared as though they were in their 30s,” she said, referencing a scripture that speaks of people in heaven being known as they were on Earth.

One thing that really puzzled her was that she saw a toddler whom she didn’t recognize. Then she said she heard this voice telling her, “This is your child.” Charlotte remembered losing a baby boy when she was five-and-a-half months pregnant and found out this was the child she lost. “God told me, ‘They keep growing in heaven, but there is no time-it’s eternity.”

It was then that something vastly different happened to Charlotte. She reported that God took her on a view of hell. “The smell, the rotten flesh, the screams… it was almost unbearable,” she contrasted it to, against all the beauty in heaven. God told her, “If some don’t change their ways, this is where they will end up.”

She was then sucked back into her body; her husband immediately noticed her eye twitch. Charlotte spent two weeks in the hospital and made a full recovery before starting to share her story.

“Heaven is more than we can imagine,” Charlotte said. “People need hope, and want to know that everything will be okay. I can look you in the eye and tell you heaven is real.”

Charlotte died of a heart attack on November 28th, 2023, at the age of 72. Surviving her were her husband of 52 years, Danny; their daughter, Chrystal; and grandchildren.

Article Source: ladbible

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