Thanks to the newest hashtag, a viral challenge urges social media users to clean up their online trash

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A refreshing trend has emerged in a world where internet challenges often lean towards the senseless and absurd. The #trashtag challenge has gained significant momentum, capturing the attention of individuals across the globe with its noble purpose of making the world a better place. This article explores the origins of the #trashtag challenge and its significance and showcases some of the inspiring contributions made by people worldwide.

Source: Reddit

Back in 2015, the #trashtag challenge was initially conceptualized by UCO, an outdoor clothing company under the name of the #TrashTag Project. It wasn’t until a Reddit post issued a challenge to “make the world a better place” that the movement gained traction. Participants in the #trashtag challenge embark on a mission to locate areas burdened with garbage, clean them up, and proudly share their before-and-after pictures on various social media platforms.

Source: Twitter

Source: Instagram

Unlike its predecessors, the #trashtag challenge distinguishes itself by promoting environmental stewardship and collective responsibility. It serves as a potent reminder that each individual can contribute positively to their surroundings. The challenge has resonated with people from all walks of life, emphasizing the significance of preserving the planet for future generations.

Source: Twitter

Statistics paint a disheartening picture of our world’s waste crisis. The Let’s Do It Foundation reveals that a staggering 1.3 billion tons of household waste are generated annually, but only a fraction, around 258-368 million tons, finds its way to proper dumpsites. Moreover, our oceans bear the brunt of the waste epidemic, with a staggering 8 million tons of garbage added annually, 80% of which originates from mainland waste. These figures call for immediate action, making the resurgence of the #trashtag challenge even more timely and critical.

Source: Twitter

Source: Reddit

EF schools have embraced the #trashtag challenge, showcasing their students’ unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship. EF students are making a tangible difference, from beach cleanups in San Diego and Santa Barbara to park cleanups in Rome and Washington, D.C. Also, EF schools in Costa Rica and Malta are actively involved in plastic reduction initiatives, exemplifying the collective dedication to preserving our planet.

Source: Reddit

Source: Reddit

These inspiring entries underscore the positive influence of the #trashtag challenge and serve as a a proof of the effect that can be made when individuals unite for a common cause.

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter

The #trashtag challenge has emerged as a breath of fresh air within internet trends. By combining the power of social media with a noble objective, this movement encourages individuals worldwide to take action and clean up their local areas. As the alarming statistics on global waste continue to rise, the #trashtag challenge provides hope. It reminds us of our collective responsibility to create a sustainable future. Let us join hands, participate in the challenge, and make a lasting impact on our world together.


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