The Best Photos From Photographers Around The World, Selected for the All About Photo Awards 2022 (30 Pics)
|The All About Photo Awards 2022, which honor the greatest single photographs from photographers throughout the world, are proud to present this year’s winners.
Professional and amateur visionary photographers from across the world competed for $10,000 in cash prizes, inclusion in the printed magazine “Special Edition All About Photo Awards 2022,” and international recognition as the next “Photographer of the Year.”
Manfred Baumann (Leica Photographer), Ann Jastrab (Executive Director, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA), Ian Berry (Photographer, Magnum Photos), Paula Tognarelli (Executive Director and Curator Griffin Museum of Photography), Giuseppe Oliverio (Founder and Director PHmuseum), Tom Price (Photographer, Winner All About Photo Awards 2021), and Sandrine Hermand-Grisel (Photographer, Founder & Editor
The All About Photo Awards – The Mind’s Eye, now in its seventh year, have established itself as a standard for identifying emerging artists and honoring exceptional photographers. 41 winners were chosen by the jury, representing 21 different nations and 4 other continents.
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#1 Fencing Frank Liu’s “Secret Garden”

Marcus Yam (USA) is the winner and Photographer of the Year 2022 with his photo. “The Afghan air force is a lone example of a U.S.-backed success story. It could crumble shortly. The image of this soldier peering out of his helicopter’s window has an outstanding depth because of the lovely composition and skillful lighting. Just by looking at his face, we can detect worry, fatigue, and bewilderment. Its caliber and the potent tale it had to tell captivated us.
According to Marcus Yam, “On May 6, 2021, a soldier scans the terrain from the glass of a UH-60 Black Hawk as it flies north toward an outpost in the Shah Wali Kot province of Afghanistan. The Afghan Air Force, which the United States and its allies have invested $8.5 billion in since 2010, serves as the government’s safety net in its conflict with the Taliban. Since May 1, when the U.S. pullout was initially scheduled to end, the Taliban have beaten back government forces, seizing territory, and further preventing Afghan security forces from using roadways. As a result, air transportation is required for all logistical support to thousands of outposts and checkpoints, including re-supplies of food and ammunition, medical evacuations, and personnel rotation.
Debdatta Chakraborty of India took second place, Konstantinos Tsakalidis of Greece took third, Landry Major of the United States took fourth, and Rebecca Moseman of Australia took fifth (United States).
#2 Andi Abdul Halil, “The Best Friend”

#3 Hardijanto Budiman felt devastated

More than 4200 photographs from 480 photographers from across the world were submitted for this 7th edition of the All About Photo Awards – The Mind’s Eye. Finding so many photographers with diverse origins and narratives is interesting.
The final selection includes pictures that depict events and draw attention to contemporary problems, but unlike in 2021, this year’s contributions are often less sentimental and more aesthetically pleasing. Despite the fact that the two winning photographs, by Marcus Yam and Konstantinos Tsakalidis, depict conflict and unrest, many of the other scenes appear to be almost idyllic; however, when you look closely, you often find that there is something else going on in the scene that is anything but perfect.
#4 Trung Pham Huy’s Tea Harvest

#5 Konstantinos Tsakalidis (Greece) with his image “Woman from Evia” took third place

The contrasts between this year’s entries and winners and those from last year were intriguing to observe. The first iteration of the competition featured mostly black-and-white photos, many of which were reminiscent of Henri Cartier-Bresson and the great street photographers of the 20th century, lyrical photos were taken on film or at least in grayscale, and photos that paid homage to the competition’s namesake (Cartier-essay Bresson’s the Mind’s Eye).
Despite a still-chaotic globe, there were fewer pictures of death because of COVID 19 and conflicts. In many instances, the images were more serene and even humorous. Additionally, drone photography is becoming more and more well-liked among photographers.
#6 Pedro Jarque Krebs, “Nesting”

#7 With his entry “Kebabiyana,” Indian artist Debdatta Chakraborty took second place

Every time, choosing the winners is difficult since there are so many excellent submissions. We make an effort to choose pictures that effectively convey the topic and show a different side of photography.
Anyone interested in photography is welcome to enter the All About Photo Awards. All types of photos with any topic are invited to be submitted by photographers, both professional and amateur.
You can view our other postings that showcase winning photos from earlier contests by going here and here.
#8 Rebecca Moseman of the United States won fifth place with her entry Alesha from the series “Irish Travelers, The Forgotten People”

#9 Marcus Yam (USA), with his photograph “Afghanistan’s Air Force Is a Rare U.S.-Backed Success Story,” is the winner and photographer of the year 2022. It could fail soon

#10 Mark Duffy’s Wild Lynx On the Prowl

#11 Annayev Dovlet Gel Doy

#12 Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra is the author of The Last of the Mohicans

#13 Paolo Nigris’ “Desert’s Eye”

#14 Jovino Mauro De Bettio, sir

#15 Alessandro Malaguti, Migration

#16 Landry Major (of the United States), who took fourth place, is shown in the series “Keepers of the West” racing through a storm

#17 From the television show “Sin Salida (No Way Out),” prisoners peer out of a cell. Tariq Zaid

#18 Children’s Muay Thai by Alain Schroeder

#19 Anindita Roy – Sleeping On a Boat

#20 Daria Troitskaia, “Air,” from the television series “The Elements

#21 From the series “Irish Travellers (A.k.a. Mincéirs),” Connors Brothers, Irish Travellers, Wexford, Ireland 2021 by Joseph-Philippe Bevillard

#22 Kelly-Ann Bobb’s “Sacred Bodies: Black Bodies and The Divine” Series Character Jabari

#23 The Kid of Mosul, Iraq’s Mosul Anthony Denti

#24 Diana Cheren Nygren, “Before The Waterfall,” “Persistence of Family”

#25 Roland Blum’s Songline No. 1 From The “Songlines” Series

#26 Transportation Dowry George Tatakis’ Olympos, Karpathos Island, Dodecanese, Greece from the”Caryatis” television series

#27 Baikal Blues actor Arthur Bauer works as a bartender at Dead Rabbits in Irkutsk, Russia in the year20210

#28 Examining David Baghdasaryan

#29 Eric Seidner jousting with the dragon swarm from “The Honey Hunters”

#30 Model Armoured Cars from the Arms Fair by Philip Coburn