The Only Natural Black Blondes On Earth, Melanesians Are Stunning in Pictures!

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Their dark skin distinguishes the South Pacific region’s Melanesians. However, they stand out from the rest of the dark-skinned populace due to their distinctive trait: blonde hair. Since blonde hair was traditionally thought to be exclusively seen in Caucasians, the appearance of blonde hair among the Melanesians has long been a mystery. This essay will investigate the genetic enigma underlying the Melanesians’ blonde hair. 

A geographical and ethnic island chain that is unique from Polynesia and Micronesia is the Melanesians. Jules Dumont d’Urville originally used the name “Melanesia” in 1832. Over 1,000 languages and cultures are represented in the group, with pidgins and Creole languages emerging from trade and cultural exchange centuries before the arrival of the Europeans. Although Christianity is dominant, some people continue to follow their ancestral faiths. 

Before Africans came to the Americas as enslaved people, the Melanesians travelled to the South Pacific a few thousand years ago. Part of the 2,000-year-old transition that had taken place was responsible for the cultural, linguistic, and political fragmentation of Melanesians that existed today. Indigenous Melanesian people, like the Asmat tribe, once engaged in cannibalism, head-hunting, kidnapping, and slavery. 

The Melanesian inhabitants of the Solomon Islands have attracted interest for their distinctive blend of dark skin and blonde hair. Although the native Melanesian inhabitants of the islands have the darkest skin tone outside of Africa, 5 to 10% have blond hair. 

Why these folks had blonde hair has been the subject of numerous theories. Some claim it is caused by the sun’s and salt’s bleaching effects, a diet heavy in fish, or genetic inheritance from the islands’ early inhabitants’ crossbreeding with Americans and Europeans. 

Saliva and hair samples from 1209 Melanesian Solomon Island natives were subjected to genetic research by geneticist Sean Myles of the Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Canada. 42 brown Islanders and 43 blond Islanders were compared by Myles, who found that the blondes had two copies of a mutant gene that is found in 26% of the island’s population. Since the TYRP1 gene does not exist in the DNA of Caucasians, the TYRP1 gene that the Melanesian people have is unique and contributes to their blond hair and melanin. 

The TYRP1 gene is recessive and more prevalent in children than adults; as a result, their hair tends to become darker as a person ages. This supports the idea that the original Homo sapiens were black Africans, and all other races descended from them. 

The Melanesians are distinguished by their stunning islands, fascinating history, unique culture, and distinctive genetic composition. The Melanesians are regarded as the happiest and kindest people in the world despite battling issues like drunkenness, criminality, and severe health ailments like malaria and AIDS. 

The Solomon Islands, in particular, have a high concentration of Melanesians with blonde hair caused by a different mutant gene from Caucasians. Despite encountering numerous obstacles, the Melanesians thrive with a rich cultural past and distinctive genetic makeup.


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