The story of the woman who completed a 5:25 mile while nine months pregnant has gone viral

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In high school, running the mile was an event I always dreaded. I remember feeling like I would burst a lung when I achieved my best time of 9 minutes and 10 seconds. So when I came across a TikTok video of a woman running a mile in just 5 minutes and 25 seconds while being 9 months pregnant, I was genuinely impressed.

The woman in the video is Makenna Myler, a 28-year-old product trainer from California. She has been running five to six times a week throughout her pregnancy, although she has cut back her mileage and slowed down to ensure her and her baby’s safety. She has also been mainly focused on strength training to prevent injuries caused by the shift in her pelvis and the added weight.

@mikemyler / TikTok / Via

At the beginning of her pregnancy, Makenna was nervous about how running would feel as she progressed. However, she estimated that she would still be able to run a mile in at least 7 minutes, which was her casual pace before pregnancy. To motivate herself, her husband offered her a reward of $100 if she could break 8 minutes doing the mile at 9 months pregnant.

Makenna broke 8 minutes and shattered her goal by running the mile in just 5 minutes and 25 seconds! A video of her incredible feat has gained over 3 million views on TikTok, garnering widespread attention and admiration.

Doctor’s Opinions on Exercising During Pregnancy

As impressive as Makenna’s accomplishment, some may wonder if engaging in such intense exercise during pregnancy is safe. According to Dr. Jennifer Lincoln, a gynecologist based in Portland, Oregon, pregnant women can generally continue exercising if they have been doing a specific type of exercise before pregnancy, with some exceptions, such as hot yoga and contact sports. However, precautions should be taken, such as staying hydrated, stopping if feeling dizzy or unwell, and following any advice from the doctor, especially for those with high-risk issues.

Makenna’s Experience with Running and Pregnancy
For Makenna, running has been an essential outlet during pregnancy. She views it as a beautiful process of accepting effort and patience without forcing anything and letting go of pace and mileage expectations. She emphasizes feeling capable and empowered by staying active during pregnancy. She plans to continue running until her due date, which falls on Monday, Oct. 19. Despite waiting for the day when she would feel done, or her body would break, that day never came, and she intends to keep running.

Makenna Myler’s incredible achievement of running a 5:25 mile while being 9 months pregnant has gained widespread attention and admiration, thanks to a viral TikTok video. Her dedication to staying active during pregnancy and impressive results have sparked discussions about exercising during pregnancy, with doctors advising general precautions and individualized recommendations. Makenna’s experience showcases the importance of feeling capable and empowered during pregnancy, and she plans to continue running until her due date.


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