Unsettling images reveal the opulent homes and automobiles that have been abandoned and allowed to rot
Through Rebecca Drew.
AWE-INSPIRING photos have shown the crumbling remnants of once-grand mansions and automobiles that depict how the other half lived.

The images display walls with peeling paint and very high ceilings that have fallen. A chandelier hangs at an angle above a dinner table in a dining room, the plates remaining on the table.

In other pictures, rusting cars are seen that have been abandoned for a while and are now overgrown and covered in dust. Others display the structures’ ornately detailed ceilings and luxurious halls.

Rui Almeida, a photographer from Santarém, Portugal, took the breathtaking collection at various spots across the nation. Rui made the pictures with a Nikon D5500 camera.

In 2010, I started photographing deserted locations, says Rui.
“In my photographs, you can find emptiness, anarchy, and a decadent beauty that few see and which depicts the world from a unique and imaginative viewpoint.

I adore how unique these shots are and how they present the globe with views that they have never had before.
I make an effort to convey a particular message through my works, but I always leave the door open for the viewer to draw what he wants from them.

Rui claims that during the past six years, despite the difficult settings he travels to for photography, he has experienced no problems.
Rui continued, “There may be some issues, like homeless individuals residing in these locations and people using these locations for illegal activities, but I am very vigilant and have never had any issues.

The worth of the difficulty involved in this style of photography is typically unknown to those who are unaware of what is involved.
My friends have been known to call me crazy on occasion, but when they see the results, they praise me and inquire as to how I discovered these locations.