Woman Sparks Controversy After Refusing Surgery by Male Doctors

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A woman ignited a viral controversy after adamantly refusing to be operated on by an exclusively male surgical team, evoking both empathy from female patients with adverse experiences and accusations of sexism.

Image credits: lily_griffiths

On April 29, Lily Griffiths posted a video on her TikTok page, capturing herself in a blue hospital gown.

In the video, which has garnered nearly 13 million views, Lily is seen in a mirror, presumably in her hospital’s bathroom. “Apologies to the male doctors, I may have offended when I refused to be operated on in a room full of men,” she inscribed on the video.

“And cried and pleaded for a female to be present until she approached to hold me down and then sedated me,” the text further read.

Lily Griffiths catapulted to viral fame for her firm stance against being operated on by a room of male doctors.

Image credits: lily_griffiths

In the caption, Lily cryptically shared: “Not sure how else to process the last 4 days tbh (to be honest) x.”

Numerous viewers expressed solidarity with the anguished patient, with one person commenting: “Don’t be sorry. I too was panic-stricken until my nurse reassured me and promised to stay throughout the procedure, even holding my hand when they sedated me because I was terrified.”

To this comment, Lily responded: “These nurses deserve the [planet Earth emoji].”

“Never apologize!” another person asserted. “The medical profession has historically been savage towards women. You deserve to feel safe and have your needs respected.”

The medical field has long harbored instances of barbarism and sexism toward women, perpetuating detrimental practices and biases.

For example, Dr. J. Marion Sims, often lauded as the “father of modern gynecology,” performed experimental surgeries on enslaved Black women in the 19th century without anesthesia, as detailed by History.

Image credits: lily_griffiths

She garnered support from female patients with negative experiences, along with criticism alleging sexism. According to Medical News Today, the widespread belief in “hysteria” is another example of gender-based medical mistreatment, as it was a diagnosis exclusively applied to women, leading to the dismissal of legitimate health concerns.

“I will never forget my anesthesiologist. She was the only woman in the room,” a TikTok user recounted. “And I will never forget how she had to tell one of the male surgeons to ‘just wait!’ and then proceeded to console me.”

Other commentators shared their experiences with the controversial “husband stitch,” an obsolete medical practice involving an additional stitch during vaginal repair post-childbirth, deemed unethical, objectifying, and medically unnecessary by Healthline.

One woman shared her experience: “I received the husband stitch without my knowledge, and I still flinch during intimacy. The birth of my second child corrected it, but the discomfort is something I’ll never forget.”

Another woman shared: “My female midwife performed the husband stitch on me without my consent.”

Image credits: lily_griffiths

Lily’s video further sparked polarized reactions, with one netizen arguing: “Oh, that’s just sexism.” Another individual remarked: “You are the problem.”

Historically, the medical field has exhibited instances of barbarism and sexism toward women.

A prior TikTok video uploaded on April 28 suggested that Lily had been hospitalized due to a workplace injury.


not sure how else to process the last 4 days tbh x

♬ duvet – 🦇

Many women prefer female healthcare providers due to factors such as comfort, communication, and shared experiences. Research indicates that women may feel more at ease discussing sensitive topics and undergoing intimate examinations with female practitioners, citing increased comfort and perceived understanding, according to the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Furthermore, studies reveal that female patients often report better communication and satisfaction with female healthcare professionals, fostering a sense of trust and empathy.


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