An admirable man offers free group fishing trips to children without fathers and lets them know they are loved

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In Lakeland, Florida, there is a man whose kindness and passion for fishing have transformed the lives of more than 1500 underprivileged children. William Dunn, a Miami native, had a challenging upbringing in a rough school. Despite facing adversity, including being shot at one point, he survived and recovered. One cherished memory stood out throughout his childhood—the moments he spent fishing with his father on their boat.

Photo credit: Take A Kid Fishing

Reflecting on his formative years, Will Dunn shared, “I grew up in a rough school. I was a wild kid when I was their age. I still remember days when I went out [fishing] with my dad. On the water, you may put your problems aside and focus solely on the present. The teachings he imparted to me remain with me. He explained to me that fishing is more about the memories you create than it is about the fish you catch.

As an adult with three children, Will Dunn noticed a young boy next door who frequently displayed signs of turmoil. Concerned for the boy’s well-being, Will decided to intervene. He discovered that the boy did not have a father figure. Inspired to make a difference, Will approached the boy’s mother and proposed taking him fishing. The fishing trips began with her approval, and an incredible transformation soon unfolded.

Photo credit: Take A Kid Fishing

Photo credit: Take A Kid Fishing

“Just started taking him fishing…and I just saw what it did for him…It was like a joy seeing this little boy catch a fish that he had never caught in his life. I wanted to start doing it for other boys and young ladies,” Will shared.

Will Dunn’s impact extend beyond one child? Recognizing the positive changes fishing brought about, he opened his invitation to other underprivileged children and teenagers in his community. Witnessing its profound peace and healing effect on these young individuals, Will’s dedication to his cause intensified. At 54, he wakes up every morning with purpose, eager to show these children they are loved and valued.

Photo credit: Take A Kid Fishing

Photo credit: Take A Kid Fishing

“Take a Kid Fishing” is an organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of underprivileged and fatherless children through mentoring and fishing excursions tailored to their future. Their website explains, “On these excursions, we educate the kids by teaching them life skills and responsibilities through fishing. Once they grasp the concept of fishing, it enables them to learn patience, teamwork, and how to relax, think, and make informed decisions. Fishing also instills the value of supporting one another, regardless of winning or losing (catching a fish or not).”

Photo credit: Take A Kid Fishing

The stories of the children touched by Will Dunn’s selfless acts of kindness are nothing short of inspiring. Eleven-year-old Jaden, who lacks a father figure in his life, finds a sense of freedom and liberation during the fishing trips. Jaden expressed, “You just get this feeling of freedom when you do it. It’s so special to be out here. Will has taken me fishing and helped me develop. I hope he understands how sincere my “thank you” is.

Photo credit: Take A Kid Fishing

Cameron Delong, another child fortunate enough to join Will on his fishing expeditions, regards him as a father figure. To Cameron, Will is more than just a mentor; he is a dependable presence. Cameron shared, “Will, to me,is like my father. He’s always there for me if I need something. He’s a great man. He showed me that you should give back to the community, show respect to other people, and bring them out fishing too.”

Photo credit: Take A Kid Fishing

Tye Harriell, who once resided in a children’s home, had the opportunity to go fishing on Will’s boat. Reflecting on his experience, Tye said, “He’s got a real good heart. He cares for people a lot. He taught me patience because you gotta be patient when you’re catching a fish. It takes time.”

Will Dunn’s dedication to making a difference in the lives of underprivileged and fatherless children is truly remarkable. By taking them fishing, he provides them with more than just a recreational experience. He offers them a chance to learn essential life skills, find solace and joy, and discover a supportive community.

Photo credit: Take A Kid Fishing

The success and positive impact of Will’s mission have garnered attention and support. “Take a Kid Fishing, Inc.” relies on sponsors and fundraising events to continue their work of enhancing the lives of these deserving children. As they continue to raise awareness through social media and media campaigns, more children can embark on life-changing fishing excursions.

Photo credit: Take A Kid Fishing

Will Dunn’s commitment to taking underprivileged children on fishing trips goes beyond providing them a fun experience. Through fishing, he imparts valuable life lessons, fosters community, and brings joy and healing to their lives. Each fishing trip leaves a lasting impact on these children, shaping them into confident individuals who have learned the importance of patience, teamwork, and support. Will Dunn’s dedication to their well-being is commendable, and his legacy will inspire others to make a difference in their communities.


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