People Discovered 40 Strange Things While Hiking in the Woods.
|When exploring woodlands, you may see a variety of objects such as trees, wild creatures, dinosaur- shaped rocks, and massive stacks of porcelain crockery. And if the latter two seem a little out of place, you can guarantee the folks who discovered them were just as astonished as you were.
It turns out that there’s a lot more to uncover in the woods than just trees and bugs — just ask the folks who have discovered all kinds of strange things while exploring nature. Check out the strangest things people discovered in the woods in the gallery below, from abandoned houses to dead robots!
#1 This was discovered in the woods near my home

This is a tribute to the faithful friends who have passed the Rainbow Bridge. So many excellent young men and women. So much unwavering love.
#2 I Was Taking a Walk in The Woods Today When I Nearly Stepped On This Beauty

#3 The other week, my girlfriend and I were walking in the woods and discovered a rainbow pool
for the first time

#4 My buddy came this this dinosaur the other day in the woods

#5 Today I discovered this in the woods

#6 In the woods, an abandoned Russian house was discovered

#7 Standing in a large pond that disappears during the dry season

#8 While trail riding, I came across this

#9 This tree, which I discovered while hiking, seems like a forest monster guarding you

#10 In our woods, we discovered old dog tags in a metal pile. They were reunited with his wife, who
had lost her 60-year-old husband in 2010

#11 I Went for A Walk in The Forest and Came Across This Lightning-Struck Ponderosa Pine Tree

#12 In New Hampshire, there are stairs to nothing

#13 This sword was discovered in Epping Forest, England

#14 There Has to Be a Rabbit Hole Nearby, I Found This Mushroom While Hiking in The Woods

#15 In the woods, I discovered this moss-covered boot

#16 This stick I found resembles a burning torch, complete with flame!

#17 It’s a Flock of Wild Toilets Roosting, so keep quiet

#18 While hiking, I came upon a memorial to a fallen tree

#19 I was driving through Pennsylvania’s back roads on my way to a camping spot when I came across a mountain of ceramic dishes and tea cups in the middle of nowhere

#20 I relocated to Wisconsin. This was discovered in the woods

#21 While hiking in Pennsylvania, I came upon this purple little guy

#22 We discovered an abandoned train tunnel in the woods

#23 What My Parents Discovered During Their Hike

#24 I discovered a sign in the woods depicting a man leaping over some frightening-looking hands

#25 Pennies I found while hiking was used to embellish my log.

#26 While walking through the woods, I came upon this bottle filled with moss.

#27 So I was walking through a forest near my city when I came upon this

#28 After a thunderstorm, I went fossil hunting in a wash. I figured it had to unearth some items in the Streambed. I discovered this

#29 In the woods, I came across an overgrown cemetery

#30 While out adventuring, I came across this fireplace in the woods

#31 On a hot day, I came into this oasis while hiking through the woods

#32 This (missile?) was discovered in the Tennessee woods by my brother

#33 In The Middle of the Woods, I Found This Phone Booth

#34 In the woods behind my house, I discovered a dead robot

#35 In the woods, I discovered an old helicopter

#36 In the woods, I discovered 43 dollars in a pair of jeans

#37 This Bicycle Was Found in The Woods. Someone had big plans, didn’t they?

#38 In the woods, my dog discovered a large pile of carrots

#39 In the woods on an uninhabited island, I discovered an old crematorium

#40 This was discovered by a friend while hiking in the Connecticut Wilderness