“Hannah Zaslawski Speaks Out Against Body Shaming: ‘I Won’t Hide My Body’”
|An Australian influencer, Hannah Zaslawski, has spoken out after receiving unwanted stares and judgmental looks because of her G-cup bust. She shared her frustration in a TikTok video, saying she’s tired of being body-shamed for her natural figure.

“This is my body. I have big breasts. It’s just who I am. I’m not going to cover up all the time,” she said in the video. The incident that led to her posting the video happened at a shopping center. Hannah was wearing a singlet top that showed off her chest when she noticed older women giving her disapproving looks.
“If it offends you, don’t look!” she said firmly.

Hannah explained that this wasn’t the first time she’d faced such reactions. In fact, it was the third time in three days that people had made her feel uncomfortable because of her body. She has a G-cup bust, which measures about 97 centimeters (or 38 inches).
Many of her followers supported her, saying they’ve experienced similar situations. Hannah pointed out that her issue isn’t just about modesty but about being able to wear what she wants without judgment. “If a woman with a smaller chest wore this exact same outfit, no one would even notice,” she added.

She believes the criticism comes from a generational difference in values. Hannah acknowledged that older generations grew up in a different time, but she thinks their judgment stems from a history of women being restricted in how they could dress and express themselves.
“I feel lucky to live in an era where women have so much more freedom,” she said. “But to the women who judge younger women, I want to say: It’s never too late to learn and grow. Be proud of women who embrace their bodies and their freedom.”

Her video quickly gained nearly 100,000 views, and many people praised her for speaking out. However, not everyone agreed with her. Some critics called her video “attention-seeking” and blamed her for wearing clothes they felt were inappropriate for her body type.
One commenter wrote, “She’s clearly looking for attention. This is how she stays relevant.” Another said, “Just because you can wear something doesn’t mean you should. She’s asking for a wardrobe malfunction.”
Despite the mixed reactions, many supporters stood by Hannah, saying people should mind their own business and let her wear what she wants without judgment. They felt her frustration was justified and that no one should be shamed for their body or clothing choices.
Article Source: Bored Panda