Woman Helps in Reuniting Baby Squirrels with Mother
Now that it’s officially animal baby season, it’s normal to observe all sorts of wild babies being born everywhere. When you follow young animals left alone, jumping in and saving them might be tempting, but sometimes waiting it out is the best action. A woman who discovered a group of newborn squirrels abandoned in her yard used this strategy.
The woman contacted the Out-Back Wildlife Recovery Center for advice on what to do. Then, if the mother squirrel didn’t return, they would take the squirrels in; they recommended she first try to reunite the kids with their mother. The mother was probably hiding out for a time since she had been spooked when some trees were felled.

The woman and her family did everything possible to make the baby squirrels comfortable while waiting for the mother squirrel to return with her young. They wrapped the infants in a nice blanket and placed a low heat pad underneath, keeping them warm and safe until the tree trimmers left. When everything had settled, they set the box of infants outside beside the downed trees.
The family patiently waited, and soon the mother squirrel emerged and dashed up to the box to examine it. It took her some time to understand that her kids were snuggled in the warm box, but eventually, she relocated them one at a time to their new location.

The mother had always been close by, watching for a safe area to go for her children even though the infants looked abandoned. The infants had been carefully cared for in the meantime and are now back home where they belong.

Although it might be upsetting to come upon abandoned infant animals, it’s vital to remember that their parents may still be around. In many situations, waiting until the parents arrive before taking any more action is preferable. This method can result in touching reunions like the mother squirrel and her young, who were brought back together with the assistance of a compassionate person and the Out-Back Wildlife Rehab Center.