|Over the past several days, I have found myself traveling back multiple times to the abandoned house that’s located a few miles from our home. Of course, the land has No Trespassing signs placed in various spots, but that has not prevented me. Actually, that’s not exactly correct. I have felt some hesitation in roaming around on the land, wondering that someone would turn up with a massive, heavy stick. I will add that I have become more comfortable as no one continues to show up.
As a reminder, here is a photo of the home (both in color and in B&W), which has been the topic of earlier blogs.


On these excursions, I spent quite a deal of time inside the home as well as outside and even spent some time in the barn that is also situated on the property. I have chosen to break them over a number of posts as a result. First, the exterior.
Ambient lighting may make a tremendous impact on the quality of the photos, and no amount of post-processing can totally make up for those disparities. The above images demonstrate the strong, early morning sunshine that was being reflected from the front of the home. Here is another photo from that morning.

The light is delightfully warm but does produce a harsh shadow.
Here are a few images also of the front of the home taken about midday, when the sun was still wonderfully hitting the clapboards.


I enjoyed the reflections in the windows in the above photo, but I haven’t been able to figure out what generated them.
As a contrast, here is a view of the front (east side) from the next day when the sun was on the west side of the home.

The light is delightfully warm but does produce a harsh shadow.
Here are a few of images also of the front of the home taken about midday, when the sun was still wonderfully hitting the clapboards.


I enjoyed the reflections in the windows in the above photo, but I haven’t been able to figure out what generated them.
As a contrast, here is a view of the front (east side) from the next day when the sun was on the west side of the home.

When I took these two photographs, I thought that I needed to overexpose the shots in order to expose the home appropriately. It wasn’t until post-processing that I noticed that the major focus of these images was not the home but the sky. The home only helped to offer some background and intrigue to the photo. So while I overexposed the images in the capturing, I underexposed them in post-processing in order to bring out the colors in the sky.
Here is another sunset image taken the next evening.
I had learned that I should underexpose the photo, even though it left the home largely in the dark, to make richer the colors of the evening sky. All of these images lack dynamic range, thus I am still learning how to accomplish this