Puple-faced langur
Scientific name: Trachypithecus vetulus
Higher classification: Gray langur
Order: Primates
Family: Cercopithecidae
Kingdom: Animalia
Rank: Species
The IUCN lists the purple-faced langur (Semnopithecus vetulus), toque macaque (Macaca sinica), and red slender loris (Loris tardigradus) as unique to Sri Lanka.
The western purple-faced langur can only be found in southwest Sri Lanka’s tropical rainforests, near Colombo, the country’s most populated city. The rainy zone is an area of Sri Lanka that receives up to twice as much annual rainfall as the rest of the country (98 in or 250 cm). The “north lowland wetzone purple-faced langur” is the langur’s other name. The purple-faced langur has four subspecies, and these Old World monkeys are one of them.
Despite the fact that the species evolved to reside in tropical woods, over 90% of their habitat has been deforested, forcing them to coexist with humans in gardens and on rooftops. Forests that haven’t been disturbed are small and extremely fragmented. Langur is the collective name for a number of Asian monkey species belonging to the Colobinae subfamily. The word is usually attributed to roughly two dozen species of leaf monkeys, although it can also refer to other members of the subfamily.
A long-tailed arboreal monkey indigenous to Sri Lanka, the Purple-faced Langur (Trachypithecus vetulus) is also known as the Purple-faced Leaf Monkey. One resident adult male (Harem), 1-7 adult females, and a fluctuating number of adolescents and babies make up the social system of this folivorous species. All male groups (bachelor) exist as well, ranging in size from 2 to 14 people.
Sri Lankan junglefowl
Higher classification: Junglefowl
Scientific name: Gallus lafayettii
Family: Phasianidae
Order: Galliformes
Rank: Species
Gallus lafayettii Lesson, 1831: Gallus lafayettii; Lesson, 1831
Kingdom: Animalia
Male 66–72 cm, 790–1140 g; female c. 35 cm, 510–625 g. Male Galloperdix bicalcarata has rufous-orange head and throat, as well as banded primaries, red legs, and yellow eyes. Males have a distinctive striped plumage, no black underparts, and no white rump patch, as well as a noticeable yellow comb patch. Females have a characteristic pattern of white markings on the undersides and strongly barred wings, and are substantially smaller. Although couples and trios are frequently encountered, there is no documented mating pattern. Strobilanthes is a tree-eater that can be found in tropical and sub-tropical woods from sea level to 2300 m (1), as well as rainforests, plantations, and scrub-jungle. Males who are not breeding may create even larger groupings. Single birds have been observed, but small coveys of up to 5–6 birds of one or both sexes have also been observed (1). It’s typical to see them eating along open pathways through the woods in the early mornings and late at night, especially after rain. Territorial cry is a three-note, powerful, and deliberately spaced noisy crowing phrase with a pronounced gap of around 0.5 seconds following the first note.
Sri lanka blue magpie
Scientific name: Urocissa ornata
Conservation status: Vulnerable (Population decreasing) Encyclopedia of Life
Higher classification: Urocissa
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Corvidae
Rank: Species
Urocissa ornata (Wagler, 1829): Urocissa ornata; (Wagler, 1829)
The Sri Lanka Blue Magpie, also known as the Ceylon Magpie (Urocissa ornata), is an endemic member of the Crow family that lives in the highland forests of Sri Lanka.
This is a species of temperate rain forest that is dense, damp, and evergreen. Because to the loss of this habitat, it is in decline. The Sri Lanka Blue Magpie can be seen in small groups of up to seven birds.
At 42–47 cm, the Sri Lanka Blue Magpie is similar in size to the European Magpie.
The adults have a long white-tipped tail and a chestnut head and wings. The bill and legs are also crimson. The juvenile bird is a drab imitation of the adult.
The cup-shaped stick nest is normally found in a tree or shrub, and 3–5 eggs are frequently placed. The eggs are white with brown spots all over them. Only the female incubates the eggs, which are built by both sexes and fed by both.
It mostly eats small frogs, lizards, insects, and other invertebrates, although it will also consume fruit.
A rasping krak-krak, a booming chink-chink, and miming