BIFA photography award winners 2021. What’s your so Favorite?
|BIFA – Budapest International Foto Awards is one of the best platforms that a photographer at any level can acquire world recognition. Not only do the winners get cash prices and worldwide promotion, but they also get to show off their talent and perspective on our world through the lenses of the camera. Following are a few of the best BIFA winners of the year 2021. Go through the gallery and let us know which photograph is your favorite down in the comments section.
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#1 Second Place In Fine Art – The Family’s Persistence

This photo by Diana Cheren Nygren connects past and present with personal yearning.
Photograph: Diana Cheren Nygren
#2 Second Place In Book Category – A Blackened Eye

It is one entry in the series of Growing Up Travelling. That series captures traveler Irish children’s lives. The
artist of the series is Jamie Johnson.
Photograph: Jamie Johnson
#3 First In The Category Of Architecture – Cocoons From Concrete And Steel

Gino Ricardo’s series of Concrete And Steel portrays different Shapes, textures, and forms of European
Photograph: Gino Ricardo
#4 Second In Advertising – Drying Of Persimmons

Artist Yu-Ling Ho captures women’s endurance and hard work during autumn when they dry the harvests of persimmons beautifully.
Photograph: Yu Ling Ho
#5 Golden Award In Political / Editorial – Tears For George Floyd

This picture captures Hermela Bealfan, a citizen of the united states, when she stays on the floor for the whole 8 minutes and 46 seconds, symbolizing the time taken by the police officer to take the life of George Floyd during a Black Lives Matter Protest. Brian Cassey was just in time to capture the best shot of the incident.
Photograph: Brian Cassey
#6 Silver Award In Professional News / Editorial – Tartan Army

This picture entered by the photographer Jeff Gilbert captures drunken football fans of the Scotland team celebrating Euro 2020 ahead in Leicester Square in London.
Photograph: Jeff Gilbert
#7 Pasola A Sambanese Sport- First Place In Events

The photographer Wolfgang Weinhardt captured the Pasola gaming festival in Indonesia in 2020. Zambians celebrate their rice plantation with a horseback spear fight at the end of every rainy season.
Photograph: Wolfgang Weinhardt
#8 The Forest Fire – Golden Award In General News / Editorials

It’s a car with a tiny baby inside next to a massive wildfire. Nuno André captured this photo in northern Portugal on September 7th, 2020.
Photograph: Nuno André
#9 First Place In Book And Best New Talent – I Was My Husband

The photographer Valter Darbe captured the misery of widowed Indian women when they lose every social right after their husbands die.
Photograph: Valter Darbe
#10 Cries Of Migrant Girls – First Place In Editorial

This photograph captured clashes between riot police and Mória refugees in Greece on February 3rd, 2020. Two little refugee girls caught in between clashes are mourning. Ivan Romano is the owner Of this photo.
Photograph: Ivan Romano
#11 Second Place In Editorial – Hope, And Leprosy

Gabriel is a 75-year-old leprosy patient in a leprosy colony in Congo. He has been here for two decades and still hoping for recovery. Captured by Emese Balazs – Fülöp.
Photograph: Emese Balázs-Fülöp
#12 Second Place In Science Category – Universe During Pandemic

Zixiong Jin shot these photos for multiple nights until he got The perfect photo series of galaxies and nebulas during the Covid 19 outbreak.
#13 First Award In Professional Portfolio – My Mother

Angelika Kollin shot a series of how mothers and daughters bonded More closely during the covid 19
Photograph: Angelika Kollin
#14 Professional / Nature – First Place – Fire Born

Filip Hrebenda photographed volcanoes and lava fields during his expedition to the volcanic area of southwest of Iceland – Fagradalsfjall.
Photograph: Filip Hrebenda
#15 First In Fine Art – Stilled Time

The traveling photographer, Margarita Mavromichalis, turned her camera on to herself during the covid lockdown in London in 2020. She captured her feelings, insecurities, hopes, and fears.
Photograph: Margarita Mavromichalis
#16 Tundra People – First In People Category

These are indigenous people living in sub-zero lands in far corners of Russia. Yulia is the photographer of this award-winning photo.
Photograph: Yulia
#17 Second Place In People Category – Conversation Changer

Sujata Setia, the owner of this series, wanted to show the world that beauty exists beyond appearance, and so she Did.
Photograph: Sujata Setia
#18 Golden Awards In Environmental Category – The Unyielding Floods

Peter Caton documents the devastation caused by great floods in south Sudan. It brings food insecurity and threatens proper ways of living.
Photograph: Peter Caton
#19 Best Photographer Of The Year Award – Our Past

This photograph series, which won the owner Svetlana Melik the Best Photographer Award in BIFA 2021,
shows the past of the soviet union.
Photograph: Svetlana Melik-Nubarova
#20 Silver Award In Nature Category – The Ocean As A Canvas

Hirotaka Shinde captured the beauty of the forest submerged in lake Shusenko.
Photograph: Hirotaka Shindo