DRACO, sometimes called flying dragons, is a true wonder of nature!

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The splendor of the issue under investigation seems alien. Those who see this animal will undoubtedly be profoundly affected. Uncanny similarities exist between it and the fabled dragons that have long enthralled poets and authors. Although dragons are fictitious, we have found something that closely resembles them, which is fantastic.

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Scientifically speaking, the specie in issue belongs to the genus “Draco” and is known as the flying dragon. These lizards belong to the Agamidae family and live among the trees in South East Asian tropical woods. These creatures are about 8 and 10 inches long. They can gracefully glide from one tree to another thanks to membranes on the sides of their trunks, traversing up to 60 meters in the distance while only descending 10 meters in height.

The flying dragon has an impressive look and is available in several hues. These fantastic animals primarily consume insects like tree ants. The male attracts the female during the mating season using his membranes, which marks the beginning of the breeding cycle. The female makes a little hole in the ground, burying the eggs after she has laid around 4-5 of them, and then she abandons them. The female only keeps the eggs for a day before leaving them and returning to the tree. Each species of flying dragon has its colors and traits, but they all have one thing in common: they are all wonderful.

God formed and fashioned these stunning, alluring animals when the cosmos first came into being millions of years ago. They are outstanding in their unique manner and the pinnacle of nature’s beauty. Instead of keeping them as pets, let’s celebrate and love their presence in the wild, where they truly belong. Alternatively, we may deliberately develop more giant flying dragon species to grow to the size of the adored Spyro.


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