Hallelujah Acres and Shouldice Mansion have been abandoned
|More Info: Freaktography, Youtube
Constructed in 1981, this expansive and distinct residence was initially envisioned and brought to life as a peaceful retirement haven for W. Bev and Dorothy Shouldice. However, in 1998, the property underwent a transformation when it was acquired by an entity named Hallelujah Acres.





The origins of Hallelujah Acres trace back to 1992 when a devoted American Pastor founded it. This Pastor’s journey began in 1972 when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. Refusing to be defeated, he embarked on a healing journey that revolved around a holistic lifestyle. His regimen of raw fruits, fresh vegetables, and ample quantities of fresh carrot juice revitalized his health and inspired the inception of Hallelujah Acres.






As the establishment burgeoned, it extended its reach beyond the American borders. In 1998, responding to the increasing demand in Canada, Hallelujah Acres established its second headquarters in the residence once owned by the Shouldices. Entrusted to the care of a dedicated woman named Judy, the building flourished as a sanctuary of wellness and healing until Judy’s demise in 2019.





Thus, the residence, characterized by its vastness and unique design, transitioned from a personal retirement abode to a beacon of holistic wellness, embodying the resilience and transformation of a building and the lives intertwined with Hallelujah Acres.













(Bluekingo has permission from Freaktography.com to publish this.)