17th-century Russian churches that have since been abandoned

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In the vast expanse of the Kargapol plain in Russia, an old church stands resilient against the wind and weather, surrounded by sprawling wastelands. Dating back to 1655, this architectural marvel is one of the oldest monuments in the Arkhangelsk region. Today, we embark on a journey to delve deeper into its history and visit the neighboring village of Saunino, where another equally ancient church complex awaits.







Wooden churches hold a special place in the cultural heritage of Russia, particularly in the Arkhangelsk Region. These structures embody the architectural prowess of the past and serve as a testament to the devotion of the communities that built them. However, the passing of time has not been kind to these churches, and many have succumbed to neglect and abandonment.

To raise awareness about the disappearing wooden churches, photographer Konstantin Goncharov has embarked on a unique and remarkable project. He immortalizes these majestic monasteries through his lens before they fade into history. His photographs capture the beauty and intricate details of the architectural ensembles that comprise these churches.






Our journey takes us to the picturesque village of Saunino, where a treasure trove of history awaits. Saunino is home to a church complex that mirrors the antiquity of the church on the plain of Kargapol. This architectural ensemble, dating back centuries, evokes a sense of awe and wonder in the hearts of those who visit.








Sadly, time has taken its toll on these once-vibrant structures. Many villages, including Saunino, have witnessed a population decline, leading to abandonment and neglect of the churches. These architectural marvels, once thriving spirituality centers, now stand in disrepair.

Goncharov highlights the importance of preserving these wooden churches through his photographic project. They are symbols of architectural brilliance and hold significant historical and cultural value. We must recognize the need to protect these treasures and ensure that future generations can marvel at their beauty.




To preserve these architectural gems, concerted efforts are required from the local communities, authorities, and enthusiasts alike. Restoration initiatives, fundraising campaigns, and educational programs can all play a part in safeguarding these churches for the future.





As we conclude our exploration of the old church on the plain of Kargapol and the church complex in Saunino, we realize the urgency of preserving these architectural wonders. Through the lens of Konstantin Goncharov, we glimpse their beauty and significance. Let us come together and take the necessary steps to protect these cultural treasures, ensuring they continue to inspire and captivate future generations.

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Via: [englishrussia]


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