HOLLYWOOD: Reese Witherspoon Leaves Fans in Disbelief with Mom-Daughter Doppelganger Picture
|Fans were whipped into a frenzy this week after Hollywood star Reese Witherspoon, 48, shared a bombshell Instagram post that featured her and daughter Ava, 24. Along with their unmistakable resemblance, there have been a lot of comments in which fans cannot differentiate between the mother and the daughter.
The sweet photo shows the two of them at a café in Paris, both having drinks. Witherspoon is on the right-hand side, wearing a black cape, and Ava mirrored her mom as she is also donning all black. The blonde-haired, long-maned mother-daughter team beam with bright smiles, really attesting to just how much alike they look.

As soon as the post went online, interest was quickly piqued among Witherspoon’s 30 million followers, that began commenting on their uncanny resemblance. “Every time I get you two mixed up now,” one fan admitted, and another replied, “Omg you’re twins!” It is evident from these comments that it’s certainly not an easy task to tell the mother-daughter pair apart.
Ava is Witherspoon’s daughter with ex-husband Ryan Phillippe. The pair met at Witherspoon’s 21st birthday party in 1997 and married in 1999.

Finally, another celebrity in the news was Witherspoon, who was caught in a bit of controversy with a TikTok video over that showed her unique recipe for a snow day. The actress prepared a slushy drink using fresh snow, syrups, and cold brew coffee. As good as she found the beverage, numerous followers believed that consuming snow had health risks.
Addressing the backlash in subsequent videos taken with quite a bit of humor, Witherspoon reminded her attitude to life: You Only Live Once — and proved by little experimentation that the snow was still clean. She showed that the snow was clear.

From lookalike daughters to unconventional snow day treats, Reese Witherspoon always knows how to captivate her audience, both on and off-screen.
Article Source: Vt