Newborn Elephant Gets Struck On Head By Mum’s Excrement – To Strengthen Its Immune System

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According to locals in Zimbabwe’s Mana Pools National Park, it is believed that when a mother elephant defecates on her baby’s head, it helps boost the baby’s immune system and strengthens their bond. Jens Cullman, a wildlife photographer, had the good fortune to witness and record this special moment on camera. Jens recounts how the baby elephant turned to face him before standing up to follow its mother, who threw her dung on the calf.

Photographer Jens Culman
Photographer Jens Culman

Even though this bonding ritual seems strange to us, the baby elephant needs it to survive in Mana Pools’ hostile environment. As Jens detailed, there was a severe drought in the park, which led to the starvation and deaths of many animals, including elephants and their calves. Unfortunately, the poor dry season in the park caused the mother elephant that Jens saw to be extremely skinny. She had to spend the entire day looking for food for herself and her infant to survive.

Photographer Jens Culman
Photographer Jens Culman

A mother elephant defecating on her baby’s head is a bonding ritual that helps boost the baby’s immune system and strengthens their bond. In the case of Mana Pools National Park, this ritual is crucial for the survival of baby elephants during the dry season when food is scarce. However, it’s important to note that the park has suffered from a severe drought that has caused many animals, including elephants and their calves, to perish owing to a lack of nourishment.

Photographer Jens Culman
Photographer Jens Culman



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