Interesting Gardening: Online Group Shared 30 Incredible Photos
Gardening is a beautiful pastime that seems to appeal to people of all ages. There’s something incredibly fulfilling about months of hard labor planting seeds and tending plants yielding a nice crop or a bouquet of bright flowers. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to witness nature’s enchantment right in front of our eyes.
The r/gardening subreddit is a unique online community where individuals from all over the world exchange photos of their gardens. This incredible community, like plants, has developed gently over the previous 13 years, amassing approximately 4 million members. Scroll down to discover some of the folks in this online community’s soul-calming photos. These photographs are certain to make you smile if you are a gardener, and if you aren’t, they may inspire you.
More Info: r/gardening
#1 This Camellia literally stopped me in my tracks while I was walking around my neighborhood
#2 The View From My Sewing Studio Right Now
#3 When I have married there seven years ago, my mother planted these climbing roses around a patio in her yard. The marriage is in shambles, yet the roses are still blooming
Despite its prominence, the subreddit prefers to stay out of the spotlight. “We’ve never been a front-page (default) subreddit by design, so subs here aren’t by chance,”the moderator noted, adding that the majority of individuals who join the group have a keen interest in gardening. “As moderators, we’ve always maintained a strict but reasonable stance on user behavior—just as all gardeners must keep weeds at bay from time to time”
If you ever need assistance, you can always post a photo of your problem on r/gardening and ask for guidance. You may also post a question or two in the weekly’Friendly Friday’forums.
If you want to become a fully-fledged member of the “Gardening”subreddit, there are only three basic requirements that you must follow. To begin with, they’re quite strict when it comes to advertising and self-promotion: they won’t accept any of it, so remember to keep your head down. It’s not about you or your company; it’s about the gardens, the plants, and the farming.
#4 In my rose bush, I discovered a pleasant surprise!
Dr. John W. Wilkinson of the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC) organization in the United Kingdom and I had an in-depth discussion about safeguarding frogs and other amphibians in our gardens a while back. People who post images of creatures and herpetofauna (i.e., reptiles and amphibians) on social media, he claims, can inspire others to care more about them.
#5 I’ve fallen in love. Is it okay if I keep them all year?
#6 When I drove past, my mouth was agape. This image doesn’t do it justice
#7 Incorporating Rainwater into Your Garden
#8 Please accept my gratitude. Thank you for considering me. Please respect my authority!
The moderators of the subreddit have also done an excellent job of providing resources. For example, they include plant hardiness zone maps for every major location in the world in their sidebar. Plant hardiness is a metric that determines how well plants can withstand the lowest temperatures in a certain zone. It is extremely beneficial to gardeners all around the world.
#9 My three-year-old is beaming with pride at her first-ever bean harvest, which she assisted in sowing, watering, planting, and constructing support for
#10 A Rhododendron Gardener and Her Supersized Rhododendron!
#11 A Few Years Can Make A Huge Difference. Idea 2017 vs. Established Garden 2020
#12 In my garden, there’s a lovely two-toned rose
#13 The bees chose one of the watermelon flowers that bloomed within a crack in our wall out of all the ones they might have pollinated
#14 My grandfather claims that we "need to spread the word" about how lovely his crepe myrtle is
#15 Hydrangea Bush Belonging to My Grammy She’s Extremely Proud of
#16 The man in the photo is a collector of lost apple varieties
#17 This morning, my father’s (74-year-old) garden looks particularly lovely. He is responsible for all of the planning and gardening
#18 I heard here is where our overachieving lemon trees would be planted
#19 My first passion flower bloomed today, after two years of nurturing
#20 My Happy Place Is My Garden
#21 Some men have their own man caves. I Have A Balcony In My Garden
#22 No one does a flower crown like Cactus, so move over Coachella!
#23 After removing a wheelchair, three mismatched shoes, a deflated ball, and a buried chunk of brick wall, I now have my first garden!
The moderators of the subreddit have also done an excellent job of providing resources. For example, they include plant hardiness zone maps for every major location in the world in their sidebar. Plant hardiness is a metric that determines how well plants can withstand the lowest temperatures in a certain zone. It is extremely beneficial to gardeners all around the world.
#24 The Garden of My Boyfriend’s Mother
#25 The grandparents’ garden is beautiful
#26 Thank you for visiting My Secret Garden
#27 After battling the courts, my uncle was able to reclaim and revitalize my great- Grandparents’and grandparents’farmstead. New York’s Buffalo
#28 After four years of hard work,
#29 I Know My Deck Flowers Aren’t Spectacular, But I’m In Love With How They Looked
#30 This season, my father was quite proud of his monster tomatoes