The elephant man of his generation had the most extended nose in the world

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More Info: The Daily Star 

Thomas Wedders, a circus performer from London who lived in the 18th century, is renowned for possessing the most extended nose in history. According to reports, he had a nose that was 18 cm (7 in) long, earning him the moniker “The Elephant Man.” The picture soon gained popularity online and was the subject of a barrage of comments and inquiries. The original of Thomas the Great’s Nose is no longer on show at Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum, but a wax duplicate is still there.


The Daily Star  Magazine, Vol. XI, from 1896, referred to Thomas’s nose as a representation of riches and authority. The article claimed that if a person’s nose were a sign of their prominence, Thomas should have acquired all of Threadneedle Street’s wealth and ruled over all of Europe. The same article, however, also argued that Thomas might not have been the most intelligent person and that his nose might have eaten up all of his brain space, leaving him in what can only be characterized as the most terrible state of insanity.

Wedders lived from 1740 until his death in 1799. He was a performer in several circus sideshows, and people came from all around to see him because of his unique appearance. Wedders’ life is largely unknown, except from his odd appearance, but it’s possible that he had an intellectual handicap..

Online people have been commenting on Thomas’s nose and expressing their surprise and interest; some have even jokingly said they couldn’t believe their eyes. Others have inquired as to the potential causes of the nose, such as genetic anomalies, tumors or growths, and the nostrils’ extension to the tip.

Image: PA

With a wax replica of his nose in Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Museum on display, Thomas Wedders’ extraordinary nose gained him a spot in the Guinness World Records. His fame as a circus performer continues to astound people today.


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