Abandoned Rehab and Nursing Facility: A Glimpse into Its Troubled Past

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This article delves into the unsettling history of an abandoned rehab and nursing facility. Once a place that promised care and support to its residents, it became shrouded in negative experiences and controversies. We explore the testimonials of former employees and online reviews, shedding light on the facility’s challenges and issues. Additionally, we provide insights into the property’s current status. Join us as we uncover the untold story of this now-defunct institution.






The Facebook page for the abandoned rehab and nursing facility had its last update in early 2016. This silence on social media hints at the facility’s gradual decline and eventual closure.

Reviews from former employees paint a grim picture of the facility’s working conditions and management practices. Let’s delve into their experiences and the issues they encountered.

According to one former employee, the facility faced constant stress due to inadequate employees. The staff shortage resulted in an increased workload for those present, making work-life balance nearly impossible to achieve. Employees were frequently required to work overtime and sacrifice their scheduled days off, further adding to the burden. This situation indicates a need for more effective workforce management and resource allocation.







The facility’s management structure was in constant flux, leading to a need for more stability and security. Such instability created an uncertain environment for the employees, affecting their morale and overall job satisfaction. This lack of a consistent management approach likely contributed to the facility’s struggles.

Despite the challenges, the facility had a dedicated team of long-term employees who formed an exceptional support network. These committed individuals were always ready to lend a helping hand and support their colleagues. Their teamwork and camaraderie provided some solace amidst the facility’s troubles.





Another former employee highlighted the consistent understaffing problem and its negative consequences on the facility. New hires frequently quit abruptly or fail to attend their shifts, exacerbating the staffing challenges. This lack of reliability eroded trust within the organization, as innocent employees often faced blame and unfair treatment. The absence of a competent management team further perpetuated a culture of disrespect throughout the facility. Cutthroat behaviour among nurses was observed, with staff members being exploited without hesitation.

The only redeeming aspect of the facility, as mentioned by a former employee, was the innocent residents it served. Despite the facility’s troubles, these residents became a beacon of empathy and compassion. The employee expressed deep sympathy for the residents and vowed to avoid subjecting themselves to such an environment again.





The most recent review available for the facility dates back to the summer of 2020. It is a scathing critique of the services provided. The reviewer warns others to flee swiftly, describing the facility as an absolute scam. One specific complaint is that the facility demands upfront payment but adamantly refuses to reimburse unused days after a patient’s demise. This issue points to questionable financial practices and a lack of transparency in the facility’s operations.

As of the spring of 2022, a court-ordered auction was scheduled for the property. However, the action was ultimately cancelled following the sale of the property. This suggests that the facility has changed ownership or its fate has been temporarily put on hold.












The abandoned rehab and nursing facility has a troubled past, riddled with staffing challenges, unstable management, and questionable practices. Former employees recount their experiences, highlighting the stress, lack of stability, and cutthroat behaviour prevalent within the facility. Despite these negative aspects, long-term employees’ dedication and innocent residents’ presence provide glimpses of hope in an otherwise troubled environment. The facility’s current status remains uncertain, with a court-ordered auction cancelled following the sale of the property. As time passes, the legacy of this now-abandoned institution serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency, accountability, and quality care in rehab and nursing.

Photographs published with the permission of the photographer


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