After rescuing an autistic toddler off the tracks, heroic rail personnel received praise

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In a heart-stopping incident on April 16, a group of rail workers in Tarrytown, New York, demonstrated incredible bravery and quick thinking as they saved a three-year-old boy with autism from wandering onto train tracks. Their heroic actions have earned them well-deserved commendation and praise from the Metropolitan Transit Authority.

The incident unfolded when Engineer William Kennedy, operating a southbound train that day, spotted the wandering toddler on the live track, heading towards the electrified third rail. Realizing the imminent danger, Kennedy swiftly activated the emergency brakes and alerted his team members about the difficult situation. Kennedy, a father of four, later revealed, “I got four kids, so as soon as I saw it was a child, instantly ‘daddy’ kicked in, and I thought, ‘We got to save this kid.'”

Source: Metropolitan Transit Authority

While traveling in the opposite direction, Assistant Conductor Marcus Higgins noticed the young boy and promptly halted the train. With great concern for the child’s safety, Higgins rushed towards the train tracks to guide the toddler away from danger. Despite his efforts to redirect the child, it became evident that the boy was non-verbal and had autism. Meanwhile, Waylon’s mother and sister had reported him missing to the Sleepy Hollow police officers, unaware of the unfolding events.

Source: Metropolitan Transit Authority

After an hour of separation, Higgins swiftly brought Waylon onto the stopped train, reuniting him with his grateful mother and sister. Waylon’s mother, expressing her immense gratitude, described the rail workers’ actions as “a miracle from God” in Spanish. She was relieved and thankful that her son had escaped without injury, sustaining only a splinter on his hand.

Source: Metropolitan Transit Authority

Reflecting on the incident, Higgins emphasized the importance of ensuring the child’s safety, stating, “In the heat of the moment, when you see a child in this situation, your first instinct is to make sure they’re safe. I’m glad our crew was there and able to help.” He expressed relief that the outcome was positive, acknowledging that the situation could have been more tragic.

Source: Metropolitan Transit Authority

Kennedy further highlighted the severity of the situation, explaining that the electrified third rail carried a potent charge of 600 volts. If Waylon had contacted it, he would have faced serious harm. “The outcome would have been quite different. He would have hurt himself really badly,” Kennedy emphasized. The timing of the rescue was critical, as Kennedy noted that had they arrived just a minute earlier or later, they might not have noticed the child’s presence on the tracks.

Source: Metropolitan Transit Authority

The extraordinary bravery and wisdom displayed by these rail workers did not go unnoticed. On April 24, the Metropolitan Authority in New York honored them for their heroic actions. Metro-North Railroad president Catherine Rinaldi commended the team members, praising them for embodying the qualities the Authority values: alertness, responsiveness, knowledge, and helpfulness. Their courageous efforts serve as an inspiration for others to step up and save lives whenever possible.

Source: Metropolitan Transit Authority

Thanks to these rail workers’ vigilance and quick actions, a young boy’s life was saved from the dangers of train tracks. Their selflessness and determination illustrate the difference people can make when they rise to the occasion. The heroic rescue of Waylon underscores the importance of remaining alert and responsive to ensure the safety of those around us. May the courage and compassion these hero rail workers demonstrate inspire us all to be vigilant in safeguarding lives.


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