“I love it when thousands of women lust after my husband every day”

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More Info: Jam Press/@casicrew06 New York Post

Thanks to her hot husband Antonio, who has been dubbed “TikTok’s husband” by their fans, Rachel Casillas, a 33-year-old mother of four from Utah, has become a sensation on the app. In an interview with Jam Press, Rachel stated that she never doubted that people would find her spouse just as gorgeous as she is and that she was unsurprised by the number of remarks made on their videos and posts.

Jam Press/@casicrew06

In their joint TikTok account, the couple posts videos of their family activities. Although many TikTokers are left wanting more when Rachel teases her followers with videos of her “hot” husband. In one of the videos, some TikTokers can be heard squealing for more when they see Antonio feeding piglets on the family farm.

Jam Press/@casicrew06

Jam Press/@casicrew06

Since posting in May 2020, the duo has racked up millions of likes and more than 120,000 followers. Many of their fans have complimented Antonio’s good looks and Rachel’s luck for having such a great partner in response to their videos, which have received positive feedback from their followers. However, not all TikTokers agree that Antonio is exceptional, and some derogatory remarks have also been posted. According to Rachel, when you put yourself out there, you’ll always draw a few folks who want to look for the bad where there isn’t any.

Jam Press/@casicrew06

Despite all the attention, Antonio maintains his modest demeanor and believes that he is simply an ordinary person. According to Rachel, people have reportedly stopped him in the street and asked for pictures, which they find amusing. She said he is a wonderful husband and father, and he is also charming, kind, kind, and dynamic. The catcalls, according to Rachel, are a significant complement, and she feels fortunate to have him. She also claims that they don’t upset her very much.


I just want to film you doing dishes, lookin all good and stuff! Let meeeee! 😅🤣 @antonio_e_c Olive Juice! #husband #hubby #hothusband #hothusbandcheck #work #love #marriage #laugh #funny #fun #playingaround #mylove

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Antonio Casillas’ attractive appearance and endearing nature have helped him and his wife, Rachel become well-known on TikTok. Since they started broadcasting videos of their family life in May 2020, they have racked up over 120,000 followers and millions of likes. They chose to concentrate on the love and support they get from their fans, even though their prominence has drawn some critical remarks. Knowing that she married a genuinely good-hearted, attractive, charming guy is flattering to Rachel.


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