The father’s reaction to his daughter’s skate ramp accident is a model of excellent parenting

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As a parent, it’s not always easy to know how to assist your children in learning from life experiences. Some lessons they grasp naturally, while others require parental guidance. Distinguishing between the two and understanding their overlap can be quite challenging.

Children don’t come with instruction manuals, but sometimes we come across instances of great parenting that we can admire and learn from. One such heartwarming example comes from a father named Robert. He has been teaching his five-year-old daughter, Aubrin, to skateboard, and he has set up a miniature half-pipe for her to use as practice.. A video shared on Instagram showcases Robert’s interactions with Aubrin after she took a hard fall during a lesson.

In the video, Robert’s communication style embodies a perfect blend of empathy, encouragement, and empowerment, providing his daughter with the necessary support to overcome her fears and persevere in pursuing her goals. Even his initial question after she fell — “Did it scare you or did it hurt you?” — is remarkably helpful in making her more aware of her feelings and determining how best to assist her.

Robert’s thoughtful approach is commendable. He explains that trying something new can be scary, but attempting it again after a fall can be terrifying. He emphasizes the importance of rebuilding trust and confidence after a setback, acknowledging the psychological battle that ensues when negative experiences take root in our minds.

Asked about how he knows what to say in such moments, Robert admits he doesn’t have all the answers. When Aubrin falls, he remains calm, redirecting with questions or comments while assessing the situation. By doing so, he aims to minimize his influence on her emotional response and allows her to experience and process her emotions at her own pace. Responding from the heart, Robert leads with empathy and support, avoiding the application of undue pressure.

Robert’s approach to parenting is truly remarkable and serves as an invaluable model for others. Unfortunately, many parents are raising their children while grappling with unresolved issues from their own childhoods. Seeing Robert’s parenting style laid out so eloquently provides a glimpse of what supportive and healthy parenting can look like.

The responses on Instagram and Reddit further reinforce the positive impact of Robert’s parenting style. Comments poured in, expressing emotions ranging from admiration to gratitude. Many people shared how they wished they had experienced such parenting growing up and how they plan to emulate this approach when they become parents themselves.

Regardless of our upbringing, we can all recognize effective parenting when we encounter it. Robert’s demonstration of empathy, support, and encouragement serves as a shining example of what it means to be a nurturing and caring parent. We extend our gratitude to Robert for sharing this heartwarming example that we can all learn from and apply in our own lives as parents.

effective parenting goes beyond providing physical necessities; it involves emotional support and understanding. By learning from exceptional examples like Robert, we can strive to create a positive and nurturing environment for our children, helping them grow into confident and resilient individuals.

Source: upworthy


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