When she saw a picture of her son and his “twin” on Twin Day, this mother broke down in tears

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Parents, you know that being a parent is not about winning but seeing your kids grow up to be good people makes you feel like a champion. Britney Tankersley, a mom of three, found herself at Walmart at 9 PM looking for matching shirts for her son Myles and his friend Tanner for Twin Day dress-up at school. Myles insisted they looked like twins, even though Britney had never met Tanner.

Image credits: Britney Tankersley

The photo of Myles and Tanner went viral after Britney shared it on Facebook, and Bored Panda caught up with her to learn more about the story behind the photo.

Image credits: Britney Tankersley

Image credits: Britney Tankersley

Twin Day was just one of the dress-up days for Red Ribbon Week at their school. Britney’s daughter already had a twin, but Myles didn’t know anyone to dress up with in his class. As Britney prepared her daughter for the next day, Myles suddenly asked Tanner to be his twin. Britney had no idea who Tanner was or what size shirt to get for him.

Image credits: Britney Tankersley

Image credits: Britney Tankersley

After some detective work, Britney finally contacted Tanner’s mom to ask if they could be twins the next day. She got Tanner’s size and headed to Walmart to get matching outfits. Britney was tired and grumpy from shopping, but she took a chance on the “Future Leader” flannel shirts and hoped they would fit Tanner. To her relief, they did, and Myles wore his shirt to school, carrying the other for Tanner in his backpack.

Britney was curious to see how “identical” they looked, so she contacted the teacher. She was left surprised and in tears when she finally got the photo. Myles and Tanner wore the “Future Leaders” shirts, and even though they looked nothing alike, Britney was proud of Myles for believing they did. Britney’s Facebook post about the photo went viral, with over half a million reactions and over 265,000 shares.

Britney’s story is a reminder that parenting is not a competition, but being a good parent feels like a win. We should cherish the small moments in life and appreciate the joy they bring us. Britney’s exceptional parenting skills and the power of kindness and empathy should inspire us to teach our kids to embrace differences and celebrate diversity.

remember that life is full of surprises, and it’s up to us to make the most of them!


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