When he arrives at their nest, the stork husband surprises his wife with a thoughtful gift

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Using a camera pointed at their nest in Henneckenrode, Germany, Silke Feser, a stork enthusiast with Nette-Störche e.V., has been observing a stork couple named Addi and Antonella. The couple has given birth to several baby storks throughout the years, and thanks to their cooperation, each one has successfully fledged.

Antonella has had Addi as a loving partner, caring for her as she sits atop their eggs. Feser’s camera recently captured a brand-new phenomenon that demonstrated the stork couple’s commitment to their offspring through their love for one another, which surpasses everything.

Source: Nette-Störche e. V.

As usual, on a frigid morning, Addi was seen making his way to the nest, but this time he was carrying a peculiar item: a handcrafted blanket to protect his spouse from the cold. “We thought, ‘Wow! That’s never happened,” remembers Feser. He frequently receives strange nesting materials from Addi, but he has never covered her.

Source: Nette-Störche e. V.

She seemed to be going about her motherly responsibilities, and Addi seemed to ensure his companion was comfortable. This conduct is evidence of the couple’s love and demonstrates Addi’s extraordinary intelligence for a bird.

Source: Nette-Störche e. V.

Feser expressed her gratitude for the thoughtful act of kindness by remarking, “I like how they take care of each other.” Antonella was the recipient of one of many acts of kindness from Addi that have contributed to their success as a pair. We hope the future is bright for this adorable young family.

Source: Nette-Störche e. V.

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